Friday 23 August 2013

All about moi.....( and i do mean ALL) ;)

Hey everyone. I know i've been very very absent from this blog but I am trying to get back to it. So as a treat here's an uber loooong post all about moi. Enjoy. 

Do you have any siblings?
 I do indeed. I have one brother called Sean and he is 17. Sometimes I think it would have been more fun to have another sibling but we're very close now which I'm very grateful for :)

How old are you? 
I am 21 and my birthday is 8th August, so I'm 21 and two weeks old lol

What's your height? 
Ummmm I don't know exactly but i think i'm 5ft 5/6 but i'm not certain. Im not short but my bf likes to tell me i am. 

What's your top/dress size?
I am a curvaceous size 16 lol

Do you have any diet plans/tips? 
I just try to eat everything in moderation and not deprive myself

Do you workout?
 I didn't for ages but recently i'm getting back into swimming to excersise. I love it :)

Do you have any pets? 
Unfortunately no. My parents didn't allow pets because they didn't think we could be trusted to look after them, but i would love a pug when i have my own house

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 
Just the usual girly stuff, going shopping, seeing my friends, spending time with my boyfriend. Stuff like that. LOL. My life isn't very exotic

Who inspires you?
 My family members, in particular my mum and dad. They work so hard to provide us with a good life and I have never once heard them have an argument. I hope my relationship stays as loving as theirs has over 22 years of marriage <3

What do you feel is your greatest achievment?

There are a few things. I felt soo proud of myself when i did well enough in my A Levels to get into university. Then yesterday I felt so chuffed cus i passed my driving test, first time too. Oh yeah lol. I'm sure my greatest achievement will be getting my degree. 

What do you value most in life?
Everything. My family and my friends. You never know what day's gonna be your last and its important to always find the good in everyday you're given. 

What do you do?
I currently study at the University of Ulster, Coleraine and im a third year. :)

What is your dream job?
 My absolute dream dream dream job would be to work as a hotel wedding coordinator at top hotels in Ireland. I am a tad obsessed with weddings and i would love to be part of making someone's special day absolutely perfect. :)

What did you take for your GCSE'S and A Levels

For my GCSE's i did all the usual stuff like maths english etc etc. Then for my A Levels i did French, Religion and English literature, and i rather enjoyed them.
Do you make good grades?
Yeah i make reasonably good grades. I passed all 10 of my GCSE subjects then for my A Levels i got 2 B's and a C. And in any university work since then I'm averaging a 2:1/2:2, so im doing pretty well :)

What is your ethnicit
I am 100% Irish, but it would be cool to say I was like half french or italian or something.

Do you want to get married later on in life?
I really really do. I am such a girly girl that I have always imagined my wedding day. When i was little my barbies and ken doll got married in so many different scenarios that it would have confused everyone. And obviously whenever you reach a certain age and you're in a loving relationship you'd love it if marriage was the ultimate goal. But we'll wait and see on that issue ;)

Do you have any phobias?
Oh god yes. I am deathly afraid of spiders. If i see one i get shivers up my spine. If i have to catch a particularly big one and kill it, i nearly have a panic attack. Like its a proper phobia. They just freak me out. Urgh yuck :(

Have you ever had a near death experience?
Thank god i have not. I would not particularly want to go through something like that but i suppose it would give me a deeper respect for my life and stuff, but mostly i think it would terrify me enough that i wouldn't even want to leave the house. 

Do you get mad easily?
I wouldn't say i get mad easily. Its more like........ I get frustrated easily. Then if everyone winds me up then i do get a teeny tiny bit mad. But mostly I'm a nice cheerful bubbly person :D

Where have you been on holiday & where was the best?
Ooooooh. This is a test of my memory lol. As long as i can remember my mum and dad have taken us on summer holidays, particularly with our two cousins cus they are around our age and it was more fun. We've been to Disneyland Paris, Austria, Portugal, Canary Islands,  Centre Parcs in England..... There's been so many. I think my favourite holiday was Port Aventura in Salou with my mum dad bro and my two cousins. It was gorgeous weather and it was soo fun getting to explore the theme park everyday and going on new rides. :D

Favourite childhood memory?
Wayyyy too many to choose from to be honest.   

Heels or flats?
Flats mostly but wedges are fun for daytime to change it up :) 

Favourite moisturiser? 
Umm bit of a bad thing to admit but i don't really use moisturiser lol

Where do you buy most of your clothes from? 
Mostly from Primark, H&M and New Look...... i do love a bargain lol

Favourite Shop? 
 Probably Primark or New Look. I cant decideeeee

Favourite makeup brand? 
Defo Rimmel 

Favourite nail polish brand? 
I love love love Barry M nail polishes, in particular their Jelly Nails range.  

What was your first makeup item? 
I think my first proper make up item was a foundation from Natural collection, when their products weren't the best, and it was completely the wrong colour for me. Lol i looked like a ghost lol

If you had your own makeup line what would you call it? 
It would be called FancyFrenchie and the packaging would be pink with little eiffel towers on it. 

What are you into the most, if you HAD to choose one..Jewellery, Makeup, Shoes, Clothes? 
I think i'd chose make up. Because when your face is done, you are ready to face the world and you could always customise your clothes to update them :)

What is your favourite shoe store? 
Hmmmm i would love to own a pair of Kurt Geiger heels but for the moment my measly little budget only stretches to New Look heels, but they are awesome :)

At what age did you start wearing makeup? 
 I'm pretty sure i put off wearing make up for as soon as possible. I think i was about 14/15 when i started noticing other girls in my class wearing makeup and i thought it looked pretty but I didn't properly learn how to apply it and everything until i was about 16/17. 

Do you wear falsies? If so which brand? 
Not on an everyday basis because they are too fiddly lol. But i do trust the eylure ones because they dont look ridiculous and they are very natural and easy to apply. 

Lipgloss or mascara? 
Mascara..... lipgloss makes my lips feel too sticky :/

Whats your worst shopping habit? 
Probably that i buy things in sales, not because i will actually wear them but because i think they are pretty lol

Do you have a signature scent? 
Yes, my boyfriend got me Vera Wang Floral Rush for our anniversary and i love it. Its so feminine and a gorgeous everyday scent. 

How do you take care of your hair? 
I dont really do an awful lot to my hair. I just wash it with Pantene shampoo and condition it with TreSemme with argan oil, because my hair gets very dry at the ends. 

Whats the colour of your natural hair? 
My hair is a natural brown with occasional ginger highlights. I have never once dyed my hair. :)

What are your views on plastic surgery? 
This is a subject that can be really controversial. I think its a great invention for people who have been in car accidents and who need reconstructive sugery, it gives people back their confidence. But i definitely don't agree with people like Heidi Montag who just take the mick and become like a cartoon character. But its completely up to you what your view is. I personally would never get anything done. I wanna grow old gracefully :) 

If makeup somehow wasn't invented what would you replace it with? 
I really don't know. Probably with clothes, then i could just distract from my bare face with my awesome outfit lol

Do you bite your nails? 

I used to allllll the time when i was younger. Now i don't really do it, unless im nervous or anxious about something. 


Would you rather grow a beard or go bald? 
Hmmmm I would rather go bald. Then i could have fun with loads of different wigs, like Kim K did on an episode of KUWTK. Lol that could be fun.

If you could know the date you were going to die, would you want to know? 
In some ways yeah, cus then i'd be able to get all my stuff in order, travel and go round to everyone i know and tell them how much i love and appreciate them. But i wouldn't wanna know how i was gonna die. 

Which five male celebs would be on your "list"? 
Ooooooooh. Right i have to think carefully about this......
1. Liam Hemsworth - lets face it, him and miley won't last and i will be there with open arms lol
2. Jamie Laing - He's such a cutie
3. Bradley Cooper - nuff said lol
4. Ed Sheeran - He could serenade me every night
5. And last but not least i'd have my actual BF - Cus he's awesome and i've got him already so its perfect. He's a celeb to me, my VIP <3

If you only had 24 hours to live how would you spend it? 
Having a massive party in a marquee with everyone i know, dancing with a good band. Having a BBQ dinner and just enjoying my last hours. 

Do you have a favourite book? 
Not really but i do really love all the Harry Potter books.

Do you watch any american tv, if so what is your favourite? 
I think it would have to be KUWTK, just because they are ridiculous and some of the antics which go on are insane lol

What is your favourite type of sandwhich? 
Cheese and ham lol. Plain and simple

What is your favourite reality tv show? 
My fave reality show is Don't tell the bride. I love watching it because some of the grooms get things spectacularly wrong. But i do not think men should ever EVER pick your wedding dress. It's not right lol. If it was my wedding, i'd have a fit. I'd be a bit of a control freak lol. 

What wesbite do you visit the most besides youtube, blogger & facebook? 
Probably online shops lol. Its a problem lol

Who is your favourite blogger? 
Its a tie between Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter. I love them both lol

Who is your favourite makeup guru? 
Do I have to pick just one?? Probably Fleur De Force but i love Louise and Zoe's channels as well :)

What is your fave style to decorate your bedroom, chic, modern, vintage..etc? 
My bedroom at the mo isn't great looking but in future i want to decorate my room in a romantic vintage theme, with lots of cream and flowers and romantic lighting.
What is your favourite disney film? 
You have no idea how difficult this is to choose for me, but if i absolutely had to, i'd pick....... Beauty and the Beast. 

Whats your favourite desert? 
Lemon meringue pie. MMMMMMMMMM

Do you like swimming? 
I absolutely love it. I feel like a little fish when i swim. 

Do you drink juice? 
Not a lot. I'd prefer to drink water.  

Do you eat fries with a fork? 
Actually no. I prefer to pick them up with my fingers. 

Do you like cookies? 
Mmmmhmmmm......... Im a cookie monster!!

If you could move anywhere, where would it be? 
Paris, id love to live there <3

Savoury or sweet? 
Sweet :)

If you had to describe yourself as a fruit, what fruit would you be? 
I don't really know. :/

Favourite flower? 
Lilies, gerberas and roses. Awwww prettiful lol

Favourite colour? 
It's a toss up between purple and blue :)

Do you drink energy drinks? 
Not really, i don't really like the taste of them and they make me feel really hyper. 

Do you drink coffee? 
Nope, don't like the taste. urgh yucky :( 

If you could have a dinner party with 5 celebrities, dead or alive, who would you invite? 

I would choose Audrey Hepburn, Jim Parsons, JK Rowling, Emma Watson and Robert Downey JR.

Thanks for reading everyone. 
Love you lots
Talk to you later :)